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Chadwick 8500 Balancer / Analyzer

Solid-State Upgrade and Repair

Reliable + Modern

Experiencing "Physical I/O" and "Disk drive" errors?

Still using archaic 3.5 mm floppy disks to store your programs?

We specialize in upgrading and repairing disk drive errors on all models of Chadwick-Helmuth Balancer/Analyzer.

Our solid-state upgrade will future-proof your existing hardware for years to come.

Fast Turnaround

With only one day of shop-time, your Balancer / Analyzer will be back in service in no time. We have a team of experienced engineers, access to an international airport with overnight freight services, and aim to minimize down-time for our customers.


Breathe new life into your Chadwick-Helmuth Balancer / Analyzer by upgrading to solid-state storage.


No moving parts. The solid state conversion will ensure your Balancer / Analyzer continues running for years to come.


No training overhead to switch to a new system. Keep using the system you are familiar with.


Don't worry about finding outdated floppy disks or computers with a floppy drive. Store all your balancing chart files on a USB flash drive.


All models

Our team of engineers has experience with upgrading all models of Chadwick - Helmuth Balancer / Analyzers, and strives to put your machine back to work for you.

8500C+ Plus
All models

Get Started

Contact us today to discuss repairs or upgrades to your legacy aviation equipment. We'd like to help you!

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